Chris Peeler served as pastor of New Covenant Church in Arnold, MD, for 25 years. His ongoing passion to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to be the focus of his life’s work. This deep conviction, a growing sense of God’s call, and the confirmation of church leaders led to the founding of Making the Gospel Known Ministries. In October, 2008, church elders commissioned Chris into a ministry of missions, evangelism, and teaching. Then, in In February, 2009, God amazingly allowed Chris to meet Linda. Both Chris and Linda had been widowed, prior to their meeting. On August 29 of the same year, God joined them together in marriage. Together, they rejoice in their combined 15 children and growing number of grandchildren.
Chris and Linda also rejoice in God’s goodness to give them a unified vision for ministry, a love for God’s Word and the gospel, and a shared passion to see the nations be glad in Jesus Christ. They regularly lead evangelism teams into the streets, conduct evangelistic Bible studies, and present parenting and marriage seminars. In addition, they equip and train churches and small groups in practical evangelism.
Chris has never lost his pastoral vision. As a result, he regularly preaches in churches of various denominations and loves to come along side of and serve pastors.
It is our goal to pursue the vision of Making the Gospel Known and of equipping families and churches to do the same. The harvest truly is plentiful and the laborers are few. A.W. Tozer appropriately said, “In the times of extraordinary crisis ordinary measures will not suffice. The world lives in such a time of crisis. Christians alone are in a position to rescue the perishing. We dare not settle down to try to live as if things were normal…” Therefore, we will give ourselves to go and reach the perishing.
Dennis Rainey, founder of Family Life Today, says, “The family is the training center for the Great Commission.” We heartily agree. Therefore, we will make ourselves available to families to encourage them in their role of fulfilling the Great Commission.
We realize it is the desire of pastors and churches to be proactive in their faith by reaching others with the gospel. Therefore, we will serve churches in both strengthening families and in equipping the saints for evangelism.